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Search Results for: Blackout Material (82)

The Correct Material for Infrared (IR) Applications

Using an Infrared Application? Discover the importance of choosing the right material and comparisons of each at Edmund Optics.

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High Laser Damage AR Coatings

Laser optics high reflectivity mirrors meet exceptional specifications that Edmund Optics' competitors often fail to meet. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Understanding White Diffusing Glass

Learn more about White Diffusing Glass, which reduces the scattering of light and homogenizes the light source, at Edmund Optics.

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Lens Geometry Performance Comparison

This comparison of the performance of aspheric, achromatic, and spherical PCX lenses in different situations reveals the ideal use cases for each type of lens.

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Common Laser Optics Materials

Understanding the most commonly used laser optics materials will allow for easy navigation of EO’s wide selection of laser optics components.

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Thermal Properties of Optical Substrates

The thermal properties of optical substrates including the CTE, dn/dT, and thermal conductivity are critical for predicting real-world performance

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Subsurface Damage

Subsurface damage in optical components can lead to increased absorption and scatter, reducing system performance.

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Diffuser Selection Guide

Not sure which diffuser will best meet your needs? Review EO's diffuser selection guide to review the pros and cons of each diffuser type at Edmund Optics.

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An Introduction to Passive Athermalization

Athermal optical systems are not prone to temperature changes in an environment. Learn more about the importance of having an athermal design at Edmund Optics.

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Introduction to Basic Ray Optics

An understanding of refraction and basic ray optics is a critical foundation for understanding more complicated optical concepts and technologies.

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Why Laser Damage Testing is Critical for UV Laser Applications

Laser Induced Damage Threshold describes the maximum quantity of laser radiation an optic can take before damaging. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Need an Asphere Fast?

Need an asphere fast? Edmund Optics' off-the-shelf solutions can be modifed in little-to-no time!

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UV Optics: Tighter Tolerances and Different Materials

UV Lenses require extremely tight tolerances and novel materials such as sapphire. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Absorption in Laser Optics

Light is absorbed in optical media through several methods including exciting electrons to higher energy states and converting to thermal energy

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Optical Glass

Choosing the right optical glass is important. Find out factors and properties on how to select the right optical glass at Edmund Optics.

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Understanding Optical Specifications

Do you want to know more about the importance of optical specifications? Learn the different types of specifications and their impact on your system at Edmund Optics.

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Characteristics of 2µm Lasers

Laser Optics for 2μm lasers require very specific types of materials such as fused silica and germanium. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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UV vs. IR Grade Fused Silica

UV grade fused silica is ideal for UV and visible applications, but IR grade fused silica has better transmission in the IR due to a lack of OH- impurities.

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Liquid Lenses Basics

Imaging lens performance can be enhanced with the use of liquid lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Aspherized Achromatic Lenses

Want an inside look at Aspherized Achromatic Lenses? Learn about the advantages, composition, and aspherized process at Edmund Optics.

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Dispersion is the dependence of the phase velocity or phase delay of light on another parameter, such as wavelength, propagation mode, or polarization.

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Introduction to Polarization

Is polarization a new topic for you? Learn about key terminology, types, and more information to help you understand polarization at Edmund Optics.

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Understanding Optical Windows

Determine how to select an optical window based on its material transmission, thermal and mechanical properties, and other specifications at Edmund Optics.

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Keys to Cost Effective Optical Design and Tolerancing

Are you looking for ways to make cost effective optical designs? Find more information on selecting specifications and using tolerancing schemes at Edmund Optics.

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The Complexities of High-Power Optical Coatings

Want to know more about high-power optical coatings? Find out more about the importance, fabrication, and testing at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Filters

Do you want to learn about optical filters? Find terminology, fabrication techniques, a selection guide, and application examples at Edmund Optics.

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Polymer Polarizers and Retarders

Polymer polarizers and retarders, consisting of sheets of polyvinyl alcohol and TAC cellulose triacetate, alter the polarization of light.

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Understanding Rare Earth Materials

Rare earth materials are used in many optics. Find an explanation, examples, and more information about rare earths at Edmund Optics.

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Common Laser Types

Understanding the most common laser sources, modes of operation, and gain media provides the context for selecting the proper laser for your specific application.

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Metallic Mirror Coatings

Want to learn more about metallic mirror coatings? Find information about standard and custom metallic mirror coatings that are available at Edmund Optics.

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